“Director Karina Gutierrez eases us into a world where reality is suspended and imagination rules supreme.”
— Rosa Del Duca, Theatrius review of El Gato Ensombrerado
“Gifted playwright Eliana Pipes and first-rate director Karina Gutiérrez have experienced their own neighborhoods’ gentrification. And it’s reflected in the creative writing and authentic staging of Dream Hou$e. They bring clarity to the nuanced issues of how localities change and how those changes affect their residents — for better and for worse.”
— Emily S. Mendel, Berkeley Side review of Dream House
Crowded Fire Theater’s West Coast premiere of Isaac Gómez’ spooky two-hander—directed by Mina Morita and Karina Gutiérrez—is the perfect prelude to the approaching Halloween season…the play focuses as much on the everyday horrors of gentrification and displacement as it does on jump scares and skillfully-deployed special effects (courtesy of Devon LaBelle).
— Nicole Gluckstern, KQED review of The Displaced
"Tengo un día. Si lo sé aprovechar, tengo un tesoro."
- Graciela Mistral